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Keywords. List of keywords in English or French.

Bibliographic references must adhere to the following conventions:

-citations or references in the text are identified thus: (between brackets) name of the author, followed by year of publication, (if necessary) pagination.

-in an alphabetical list, called References, author names (in capitals) should be repeated together with a complete bibliographical description, i.e.

for books: author(s) (CAPITALS), (abbreviated) first name(s), year of publication. Title (italic). Edition (if not the first). Place: Publisher. E.g.:

BANCHOFF, T., 1990. Beyond the Third Dimension, 4th ed. New York: Scientific American Library.

for articles: author(s) (CAPITALS), (abbreviated) first name(s), year of publication. Title. In: Journal (italic), Volume nr (italic), issue nr, pagination. E. g:

SALINGAROS, N. A., 2000. Hierarchical Cooperation in Architecture and the Mathematical Necessity for Ornament. In: Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 23, 17, 221-235.

for contributions in readers: author(s) (CAPITALS), (abbreviated) first name(s), year of publication

In: (abbreviated) first name(s) and name(s) of the editor(s): (Ed.(s.)), Title of the book (italic). Place: Publisher. Pagination of the paper.

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Preferred languages: English, French.

Authors enclose a short CV (max. 6 lines incl. Email address). The responsibility for each article remains with the author under whose name it appears.

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