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Communication & Cognition 2022, Vol.55, 1-2
The Quadrature of the Governance Triangle: on the Heritage of Idealism and Prometheus’ myth.
Wilfried Allaerts
Pages 21-48


In this paper, the historical, philosophical and political roots of binary thinking are analyzed. The influence of a religious or ideological hegemony of symbolic nature, on patterns of thinking in philosophy, science and in other aspects of human interest are critically examined. Starting from the Foucauldian merger of biopolitics and state sovereignity – after a major world pandemic crisis – and a post-deconstructivist analysis of the role of written language and academic literacy, a closer look at contemporary developments is offered. In particular, the heritage of Idealism is investigated in the present notions of universal mathematics and loopholes claiming the unification of physics and mathematics and the digitalization and algorithmic quantification of all aspects of human life and culture. In contrast to these developments, we propose a renewed approach of reading and experiencing symbols in patterns of interpersonal communication, with special reference to the phenomenon of music.

Keywords       (Artificial) Intelligence, binary thinking, deconstructivism, (digitalized) music and semiotics, governance and biopolitics, Mathematical loopholes and Klein Bottle logophysics.

DOI:               https://doi.org/10.57028/c55-021-Z1021

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